Despite restrictions due to COVID we had a fun and successful year with the dogs in training and competitions.
RACH Absolute Ruffle A Few Feathers CDX GN RM2 RAE2 SH

Alice earned titles in AKC Rally and Scent Work in 2021.
In AKC Rally she earned her Rally Advanced Excellent 1 and 2 titles and her Rally Master 1 and 2 titles. By the end of the year, she had accumulated enough points to earn her Rally Championship. Along the way she earned many placements and numerous times won awards for the Highest Combined Score (Advanced & Excellent) and the Highest Triple Qualifying Score (Advanced & Excellent & Master).
In Scent Work she finished that elusive Advanced Buried title so completing her overall Scent Work Advanced title. She also earned the Excellent titles in Containers, Interior, and Exterior.
She competed in her first NACSW Elite trial winning first place in one search and second place in another and finishing in fifth place overall out of thirty teams.
In AKC Rally she earned her Rally Advanced Excellent 1 and 2 titles and her Rally Master 1 and 2 titles. By the end of the year, she had accumulated enough points to earn her Rally Championship. Along the way she earned many placements and numerous times won awards for the Highest Combined Score (Advanced & Excellent) and the Highest Triple Qualifying Score (Advanced & Excellent & Master).
In Scent Work she finished that elusive Advanced Buried title so completing her overall Scent Work Advanced title. She also earned the Excellent titles in Containers, Interior, and Exterior.
She competed in her first NACSW Elite trial winning first place in one search and second place in another and finishing in fifth place overall out of thirty teams.
CedarWing Ruff And Ready CDX BN RI SWN NW1

Gunner earned titles this year in AKC Obedience and Scent Work, and in NACSW Nose Work.
In Obedience he earned both his Companion Dog and Companion Dog Excellent titles. In Novice he placed second twice, and in Open he won first place in all three trials.
In Scent Work he earned all four titles at the Novice level – Containers, Interiors, Exteriors, and Buried – so finishing his overall Scent Work Novice title.
He also earned his NACSW Nose Work 1 title.
Salmon Creek's Quick As A Cricket CD RN

Cricket earned titles in AKC Obedience and Rally this year.
In Obedience she finished her Companion Dog title placing second in her class twice.
In Rally she earned her Rally Novice title with two first place awards.
CedarWing Gold As The Raven Flies RN SH ACT1

Raven competed in AKC Rally, Scent Work, and Hunt Tests this year.
In Rally she earned her Rally Novice title, including scores of 99 and 100.
In Scent Work she qualified twice in each of the Novice classes (Containers, Interior, and Exterior) winning four first placements and one second.
In Hunt Tests she completed her Senior Hunter title and had three qualifying performances in the Master Hunter class.
In Rally she earned her Rally Novice title, including scores of 99 and 100.
In Scent Work she qualified twice in each of the Novice classes (Containers, Interior, and Exterior) winning four first placements and one second.
In Hunt Tests she completed her Senior Hunter title and had three qualifying performances in the Master Hunter class.

Our first English Cocker Teddy has retired from competition but loves to go hunting with my husband Scott. In November they went back to Iowa to hunt cornfields for pheasant. Two old guys out reliving their youth!